Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Quick Tip Tuesday: Get all the goo gone

If you've ever been around me while I'm eating, which let's be honest, is often than you know I should be mandated to always wear a bib (no shame in my game). I spill EVERYTHING. Often times, these little mishaps are oil based and leave unfortunate little grease stains on my clothes. WHAT A DOWNER (Am I right?!) However, imagine my happiness and joy when I realized I can get rid of those stains!! This is where I introduce to you: Goo Gone, the handy little tube of liquid that probably has a lot more uses than you ever knew about. For example, as I'm writing this eating my incredible white cheddar ooey gooey grilled cheese I'm thinking about how much I love this sandwich and how much I hate how it leaves my fingers greasy. It's inevitable that before cleaning my hands I'll accidentally touch my shirt and leave a grease stain that I can't get out and then I won't eat my beloved grilled cheese ever again (or at least until I forget that I stained my shirt from the grease). Either way, I digress and want to tell you THIS CAN BE FIXED with the eliminator of all goo, the Goo God, if you will. Even after having shirts that have been stained for, dare I say, months that I couldn't part with, or stains that have already been washed and won't come out... this will save you! Just put some goo gone on as a pre treater before washing your beloved clothing (directly on the stain, rub it in a bit with a clean cloth and let it sit for a minute) and when you pull it out of the wash and it dries... voila! It will be gone. Makeup, or lipstick stained on your clothes? Do the same thing.  (Do I sound like an infomercial yet?) I know it's weird how much I love this trick but it works so well! Basically any oil or grease based stain that you have on carpet, clothing, upholstery, etc. can be cleaned with this lovely bottle of yellow magic. During my 5-year stint as a retail worker, we kept a bottle on hand just in case. I even share this little tip with my mom and was disbelieving until she tried it herself. Take a minute to look at the bottle and see ally the uses this little bottle can give you that you probably did't even know about. This could save your life. Or maybe just your clothes, carpet, sticky situations, and so on. Anyways,  the moral of this story is, go get goo gone and eat all the grilled cheese you want (As long as it's extra cheesy and on sourdough). Until next time, keep it real.

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