Sunday, February 1, 2015

Superbowl Sunday or Super eating Sunday?

Happy Super Bowl Sunday everyone! If you're like me, you may not really at all care about the game itself because The Bills aren't in it (shocking I know). I'll just throw it out there and admit I like my house to be obnoxiously clean.  I'm actually more anxious about making sure the house is in order and I won't have to make apologies and say things like "Sorry about the house" when I've had anything but a crazy week and no excuses not to swiffer. Aside from that this dreary Sunday will consist of heading to the gym so I will have less qualms about slowing down on the chicken wing dip, sausage balls, chips and dips, etc. The list of foods I could consume is really limitless (am I right or am I right?!) Today is a fun opportunity to get together with some friends from work and mangia (I also wish I was Italian) all night long. I can't wait to show you our yummy food later. What are your plans for the day? Whatever it is, I hope it's great. Until next time, keep it real.

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