Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Quick Tip Tuesday

Happy Tuesday! Hopefully I'm not alone in saying my sweet students are ALWAYS losing pens or pencils and seem to ask for them at the most inopportune times. After letting them borrow (keep forever) a pen or pencil here and there I realized one day I didn't have any left! When you're the one buying the supplies, this is a huge bummer and can get expensive. So, here's what I've started doing:

In this cute recycling bin one of my students got me I went out and bough a bunch of regular pencils (maybe I'll upgrade to mechanical soon but who knows). If  a student needs a pencil, they can buy one from me for 25 cents and it is theirs to keep. You'd be surprised how much spare change these kids have hanging out in their pockets and how willing they are to buy pencils. Then, with the money I make I just restock my supply of pencils.

If it's something quick and a pen or a pencil is needed briefly I've added this pretty tape to my pens and pencils so should it go missing and turn up 3 days later in the lunch room (specific example) all the students know to return it to me because of my tape. 

Hope this can help you if you have a case of the missing pencils! Until next time, keep it real. 

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